Mustard Seed Babies' Home

Our first work in Africa, The Mustard Seed Babies' Home in Hoima Uganda, opened in June 1994 in hopes of easing the growing orphan population caused by the AIDS epidemic in Uganda. Each child at the home knows that they have been rescued...they know their stories. Many of them were found abandoned on roads, in empty buildings, in fields, one found by a dog, and most extremely sick and malnourished. Knowing they were saved by the Lord, the children truly know the meaning of being BLESSED.



Presently, the Mustard Seed Babies' Home can provide a loving refuge for 65 children with hope of expanding to meet the continuing orphan crisis. The Child Sponsorship Program is growing. With a minimum monthly contribution of $33.00, you can SPONSOR A CHILD. Your sponsorship will help cloth, nourish, care and educate a child. Because it costs much more to fully fund the expenses of a child, each child may have up to five sponsors.

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